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Incredible, Life-Changing Blog

Morgan Shields'

In 4200BC, the earliest humans invented the wheel.

In 1903, the Wright Brothers achieved flight.

In 1983, a team of great scientists created the internet.

In 2024, some random uni student created an incredible, life-changing blog to ramble about things in games he likes.

This blog is a place for me to practice my writing skills when analysing media, in this case video games. Video games have been part of my life for as long as I can remember and play a huge role in why I started writing and telling stories of my own. While I may have shifted my main passion onto writing scripts for television shows since, I still have some very strong feelings about video games as a media form and especially how criminally underrated video game narratives can be. And who knows, perhaps there might even be some good points in-between my ramblings on here.

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